Friday 30 March 2012




Deserted ally way, a girl is running away from her kidnapper and it fades. 

DAYLIGHT:A girl is taking a walk next to the district lake, she gets a phone call and is shocked at the pleading voice through the phone .ORINA BLAKE runs into the woods and stops because she hears multiple voices of pleading for help, she runs away into the wood
Before she runs we see a close up her afce and then the screen fades .

DAYLIGHT: A captor is sitting down on a desk looking at a picture of ORINA BLAKE .The captor is making a call and talks  to his boss about getting the job done'.
The last clip of the empty woods is shown and the screen fades to black, the title comes up.

Tuesday 27 March 2012


FILM the same as mine  :  taken is an action thriller about a former central intelligence Agency (CIA) who sets out to track down his daughter after she is kidnapped while travelling in france .
My film mainly focuses on the kidnapping of many different girls all over the country and only one of the escapes to find that they are tracking her down .The main character is Orina Blake and she is on the run to save her life and everything she knows .

This director is similiar to my film idea because he projects the genre mystery and tension into his films which create the audience to be aching to know whats next ,this the main aim for my short film as well



Monday 26 March 2012

My film is about a girl called Orina Blake, she has witnessed a kidnapper taking someone she once knew and she has become a witness.She has been running for 1 month to escape being a hostage herself but she soon finds herself lost in confusion...should she carry on running or fight what is going to become her fate .

This film is very similar to mine because it concentrates  on the fact that a girl has been kidnapped and is trying to catch the kidnapper.the fear of the situation gets the better of my character however she soon seeks professional help from FBI agents who are very skilled in this area. 

Films similiar to mine

As the director of my film

Friday 23 March 2012


On the first scene : (Selena) the actress is going to be running from something her kidnapper and she will be scared and terrified. Then i show a clip of her tied up and screaming for help but no one arrives .the screen then fades to black .

On scene two : The actress is is sitting down in her desk trying to study but she finds it difficult, there are flashes of memories from 2 months ago, when the kidnapping happened but she can't seem to let go and forget .She then heads off into the forest where it happened, she touches the tree where she was tied but then she closes her eyes and remembers and shakes her head ,and runs away because it becomes overwhelming- the iconic thing she says at the end is 'i wonder sometimes, what it would be like to be somebody else, and not the girl who got kidnapped, memories are everywhere , but if i could be someone else , that wouldn't be the glitch of my story. she walks off and all we see is a newspaper of her picture and a story line of her being kidnapped , january 12 2012 

Wednesday 14 March 2012

character information

Orina is a very quiet charcater, through out the film we view that she likes to take up activities like swimming (were she then hears voices) this is were her insanity progress.She is an a good student at school however throughout the film we see that she doesn't really see the point in sitting in a class and learning unuseful things so she goes off quiet often to do her own thing .This makes her very different to most charcaters in films because the girl is usually an A* student however i thought by setting aside some differences it would make it more realistic to viewers .Also the charcter dresses very laid back and easy and doesn't try to fit in at her highschool as she doesn't take much notice of what others think, also upon persuing her alter ego ,which happens later on in the film she becomes a writer for the seattle times .This has always been her dream but the fact that she is actually going in thw rong direction for it, will prove to be very dangerous for her as the kidnapper finds her again after she acidently published a newspaper in her real name and not alter ego, she finds herself in a position were the lying game isn't working very well for her , and her fairtale world of pretend shatters to pieces .